Global account information

View account information
Global account information
  • Username: LovieBundey67
  • Registered: 03:25, 23 Mabasa 2023 (16 months ago)
  • Total edit count: 1
  • Number of attached accounts: 3
  • Locked: yes
  • Globally blocked: no
This account is locked. See the global account details on Meta-Wiki for more details.
List of local accounts
Local wikiAttached onMethodBlockedEdit countGroups
login.wikimedia.org03:26, 23 Mabasa 2023created on login(?)0
meta.wikimedia.org03:26, 23 Mabasa 2023created on login(?)0
ss.wiktionary.org03:25, 23 Mabasa 2023new account(?)Blocked indefinitely.
Reason: Spambot (Global sysop action)
  • editing (sitewide)
  • account creation disabled
  • cannot edit own talk page